Hi everyone,
I hope you are having a good Spring! I’ve added a few new items to the site and updated one of the page titles. First, the page that was called Letters and Tributes is now Letters, Diaries and Tributes. The main reason for the change is that I had the pleasure of receiving a copy of David F. Diehl’s diary. David was a member of the 417th NFS. His diary is an amazing addition and I thank his daughter Julie for providing access to it. The diary is hand written and quite large, so I’ve had to break it into sections. Each section covers about a month in Davids journey. The first 4 sections covering December 1944 thru April 1945 are posted on the Letters Diaries and Tributes Page. Just click on this link and then scroll down a bit to the Diary section. I’ll post more sections as time allows.
Julie also provide a number of photos of her father that we didn’t have on the site and these have been added to the Faces of the 417th gallery.
Amongst other news, it looks like the Air and Space/Smithsonian magazine is looking to feature an article on Bristol Beaufighters, P-61 Black Widows and the Night Fighters. I don’t know when the article will be published, but I’m sure it will be a great read. Keep an eye out for it and let us know if you see it so we can announce it on the site.
Lastly, do you have a diary, letter or tribute that they want to share about an NFS member? Don’t be shy! We’d love to hear from you. Contact us here with more details about what you have to share and I will be in touch.
Jackie (Admin 417th NFS website)
Thanks for posting Dad’s diary Jackie! It means so much to help keep his memory alive!