Hi everyone,
Karen Seeman found this article in the March 9th, 1944 edition of the Stars and Stripes about Corsica and I thought I would share it with you. Very interesting stuff.
Jackie (417th website Admin)
In December of 2014, I received 3 transcripts of letters related to Raymond Christensen from his great-niece, Karen. Letters like this help current and future generations to better understand the war by seeing it thru the eyes of those who experienced it first hand. I am so glad that Karen chose to share these letters with me and has provided permission to post them on this site for others to view.
The letters are posted, as links, on a new page called “Letters”. This page is located under the Night Fighter History menu. Or, you can just click on this link and head right to it.
I am interested in hearing from others who have letters that they would like to share on this website. Please get in touch via the contact page!
Jackie (417th Admin)
Hi everyone, I hope you had a good Christmas break and New Year. I have been away from the 417th site for about 3 months and it’s now time for me to get back to work! Stay tuned for updates later in the month!
I noticed that a number of people posted comments to photographs and other items. These comments were in my mailbox, pending approval. I just got around to approving them. Sorry for the delay.
(417th Admin)
I have just finished posting another gallery of 61 photos on the Faces of the 417th page. Some of them may be duplicates and many of the titles could use more information. If you can identify anyone in the new photos, please let me know and I will update them. The new gallery is at the top of the page. You can still view the older galleries by scrolling down.
I have also added a document containing more photos of the Original 417th squadron. This document is also located on the Faces of the 417th page.
You probably won’t hear from me again until after the holiday season, at which point I will try to tackle adding photos from other NFS squadrons.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you.
Jackie (417th website Admin)
Hi readers!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. As I mentioned early on in the development of this site, I would start with material on my father’s squadron, the 417th and then move on to adding material about other squadrons as time allows. Today I added the History of the 418th. To see this document just select 418th NFS History from the Night Fighter History pull down menu at the top, or just click here.
I’ve also working on several more photos of the 417th that I expect to add later this week. Stay tuned.
If anyone has histories of other NFS squadrons in digital format (pdf is preferred) and you would like to see it posted on this site, just get in touch with me!
I am also planning to add a page for links to other Night Fighter websites that might exist out there. If you know of any, just send met the link and I will get it posted.