Can anyone identify the people pictured in NFS Staff Photo 1 or the timeframe it was taken? More specifically, does anyone know if the man pictured in the center back is Ray Christensen?
Fifty -five new photos have been added to the “Face of the 417th” gallery. Of particular note is the photo of the original crew for the 417th NFS from October 1943. Just beautiful! I liked it so much that I made it the feature photo for the gallery. If you click on the photo inside the gallery, you will see the names of the men in the photo. Let me know if I have any typos!
I have also added a the video/slide show that George Hoover of the 425th created. This is on the “Video Stories from the NFS” page, near the end.
I am busy gathering photos from other Night Fighter Squadrons and will be adding those in the (hopefully) not too distant future. If you have photos of loved ones or relatives from any of the Night Fighter Squadrons, you can email them to me for posting. Photos need to be in JPEG or TIFF format. Please include name(s), squadron number and a location if you have that information.
Two more videos have been loaded onto the site. They are Bob Bolinder and Raymond Daniel’s stories which were read at the June 2009 NFS Reunion. The links to the videos have been added to the Photo and Video Galleries Menu under Video Stories from the NFS selection. Bob and Raymonds’ stories are at the bottom of the list of video stories under the heading of Video stories from the 2009 NFS Reunion.
As a reminder, when you click on the video, you will be brought to the YouTube website where the videos are stored.
Sorry to be out of touch for awhile, but wanted to let you all know that I have loaded a 2nd gallery of photos on the Faces of the 417th page. This page now contains two galleries, each containing a 100 photos of members of the 417th. To see the new photos, go to the Photo and Video Galleries menu and select Faces of the 417th. Or, just click on this link.
Brick is planning to meet with the brother of J. F. Kirwan (417th Pilot) in March to secure more information and be the speaker at the Palm Springs Air Museum.