Merry Christmas 1943 and Beyond

Amongst the items in my father’s collection from his time in the 417th NFS were several Christmas related items.  I thought that it would be fitting to post these items for the Christmas holiday.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year.



Northrop’s Unmistakable Black Widow: When Death Waited in the Dark

A friend of mine sent a link to this article about the P-61 Black Widow.     Lots of good stuff in the article including a bit about how the P-61B, Lady in the Dark, was unofficially credited on the night of Aug. 14, 1945 with the final Allied air victory before the war ended. The victory was achieved without a single shot being fired as the opponent, a Nakajima Ki-44 Tojo fighter, went out of control trying to escape Lady in the Dark.  Lady in the Dark was flown by the 548th NFS.

There are also some good photos that accompany the article.

You can read the article, written by Bill Walton by clicking on the following  link.

Northrop’s Unmistakable Black Widow: When Death Waited in the Dark


New Post and request for information

I’ve added a new page with details on the Inactivation and Redesignation of the 417th NFS ceremony that was held in December of 1993.  You can see the post here.

I am also looking for any members of Dick McCray’s family or extended family.  I have a box of photos which look to be originals that I found in my father’s collection and would like to return to them.  If you have any information that would help please get in touch via the contacts page.

William Work – Looking for info

Hi Readers!

Received a request the other day thru this site for information on William Work – a member of the 417th.  This request came from his grandson, but unfortunately, the email contact that he left looks to be incorrect as it bounced.  So, I am posting here in the hopes that Joshua will see this and get in contact again.

I found a few references and a photo on William Work from the 417 NFS Illustrated History Chapter 4 pages 40-87.   It seems William Work joined  the 417th in October/November of 1944 as part of a replacement crew arriving from the 419th(?).  Here is a group photo of crew that arrived.  The caption on the photo indicates that William is 3rd from the left in the front row.

I believe William Work was a radar operator.

Another photo I found was titled “Condon and Willie Work @ LeVallon” and I assume the reference is to Bob Condon and William Work (in back).

That’s it so far, but I will keep searching the archives for any additional info  on William.  If anyone else has anything to add in this story, give me a shout!

Joshua, if you’re reading this, you can contact me directly at


Interview with John “Woody” Grange – Pilot in the 417th NFS









John “Woody” Grange served in WWII as a pilot in the 417th.  He passed away in 2003, but prior to that, John was interviewed by his nephew about his experience with the 417th and the war.   John’s nephew got in touch with me recently and provided me with access to the video story he created from the interview.

To watch the interview, go to  the Video Stories page, or click on the link below which will bring you directly to the interview on You Tube.

“Waste Not 83”  A Night Fighter’s Story